Hash maps and interviews

Linked Lists

Linked List Homework Review

Linked lists wikipedia

Linked list implementation

class Node(object):

    def __init__(self, data=None, next_node=None):
        self.data = data
        self.next_node = next_node

    def get_data(self):
        return self.data

    def get_next(self):
        return self.next_node

    def set_next(self, new_next):
        self.next_node = new_next

Example in python


Writing find max with Linked Lists

Click here!

Complexity of linked lists


Hash maps

Dictionaries/ Objects/ Hash Maps/ Maps

myObject = { key : value,
  key : value,
  key : value }

Associative array

  • Unordered associative array is the abstract data type that describes map of keys to values
  • Dictionaries, hash maps, maps, symbol tables, are all examples of implementations to this problem

  • Operations include
    • adding a pair to the collection
    • removing a pair
    • modifying an existing pair
    • looking up a value associated with a particular key

Question time!

We're going to determine the time complexity of some operations on hash maps.

  • What is the input N?
  • How long does each step take?

What is the time complexity of...

looking up a value based on a key

phone_book = {'wong': 4098, 'scott': 4139}



O(1) - Constant

O(n) - Linear

O(logn) - Logarithmic

Python dictionaries

What is the time complexity of...

Adding or removing a pair

phone_book = {'wong': 4098, 'scott': 4139}

phone_book['cooper'] = 6802


O(1) - Constant

O(n) - Linear

O(n2) - Quadratic

What is the time complexity of...

Looping over the set

phone_book = {'wong': 4098, 'scott': 4139}

for name, num in phone_book.items()
    print name


O(1) - Constant

O(n) - Linear

O(n2) - Quadratic


Letter count

Click here!

Time and space complexity of letter count

Time - O(n)

Space - O(1)



A method to solving problems where the solution depends on smaller forms of the same problem.

Solve part of the problem, and then combine that with the solution to the rest of the problem.


Adding up all items in a list

Click here!

Time and space complexity?

Technical interviews

What to expect (typically)

This varies a lot between organizations, interviewers and problems.

  1. Interviewer will present the problem
  2. Make sure you understand the problem - ask questions
  3. Discuss possible ways to solve the problem - maybe write some pseudo code
  4. Write code for the most efficient solution you know how to implement
  5. Check your work and discuss test cases
  6. Discuss complexity and how to optimize your solution

How to prepare

  • Practice writing code while talking aloud
  • Not all technical interviews involve coding
  • Interviews are a specific skill that takes practice to learn.


Mock interview

Let's pick a problem as a class and one of the TAs can mock interview me.

Resources to practice

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